Supplies needed for making a worry box:
Select a large cardboard box and a place to display it in the class.
The box is then painted and decorated with stickers, glitter, pictures from magazines, etc.
Kindergarten thru grade one children can draw pictures or use symbols.
The box holds the worries for kids so that they don’t have to carry them around anymore.
At the beginning of the day, or during the day, if there is something that they are worried about they can write it down and put it in the box.
How to make
a Worry Box:

Supplies needed for Tear Paper Volcano
Volcano Sheet (click to download) or draw your own!
Glue sticks
Tissue paper or colored paper
Lots of energy!
This activity allows children to get out that frustrated energy showing them there is a time to make a mess and rip up paper!
How to make
a tear paper

Supplies needed for Sea of Friendship
A large sheet of paper
Scissors & Glue sticks
Construction paper
Crayons & markers
This activity allows children to see how friends are all around us and helps them become more aware of the friends they may not always see.
Let's make
a sea of

Supplies needed for Garden of Signs
A 2-3 small potted plants
Scissors and Glue sticks
Poster board
Popsicle sticks
Markers and crayons
This activity helps build self-confidence and creates reminders for kids to remember how awesome they are!
If you don't want to use plants, instead download our Flower Power worksheet or Garden of Signs art page!
We all need
a garden of

Supplies needed for Crown of Gratitude
Paper plates
Scissors & Glue sticks or fun stickers to add to the crown
Markers and crayons
This activity helps kids see all the wonderful things right in front of them to be grateful for.
If you don't want to make a cown, instead download our Gratitude jar worksheet or thank you cards.
Making a
crown of

Supplies need for Badges of Bravery
Markers and crayons
Paper and stickers to decorate the badge
Badges of Bravery Worksheet (click here to download) to use instead of making your own badge
Markers and crayons
Badges of