Explore these three inspiring STEAM projects suitable for both classroom and home settings. From instilling a sense of gratitude for our planet among children to cultivating a garden of positivity through kindness-themed signage, and even transforming worries into flourishing flowers via composting, each activity promises to captivate young minds while fostering essential values of empathy and respect.
3 Amazing Earth Day Projects

Let's compost
our worries!
Supplies needed for composting
Paper (preferably colored paper) and writing tools
A blender or shred paper by hand (works great too).
Seeds, any kind of flower or apple seeds or orange seeds from a fruit in your house!
Egg crates or molds
Soil and a flower pot`
​Compost Your Worries Worksheet, Worry Word Search & More
For Teachers: Compost Your Worries Lesson Plan

Supplies needed for Garden of Signs
A 2-3 small potted plants
Scissors and Glue sticks
Poster board
Popsicle sticks
Markers and crayons
This activity helps build self-confidence and creates reminders for kids to remember how awesome they are!
If you don't want to use plants, instead download our Flower Power worksheet or Garden of Signs art page!
We all need
a garden of

Supplies needed for Crown of Gratitude
Paper plates
Scissors & Glue sticks or fun stickers to add to the crown
Markers and crayons
This activity helps kids see all the wonderful things right in front of them to be grateful for.
If you don't want to make a cown, instead download our Gratitude jar worksheet or thank you cards.
Making a
crown of